One day in Famagosta park, Milan.

Between a lawn and a basketball playground. On a table-tennis table and on the back of a giant dinosaur. With your rusty bike and a basketball.

Wearing the IL DUE Denim and the L’UNO Ballerina one-piece. In the IL QUATTORDICI + LA VENTI Naturale bikini set. Your perfect mates for so many lighthearted activities.

You can shoot hoops with friends, practice some meditation and your favorite asana. Take a bike ride and have fun like a child in in the games area.

PH Marco Casino


Volitiva ss22

Volitus (latin). Volitivo (italian). Or, strong-willed. Declined in the feminine, it reveals itself in volitiva, with which we inaugurate the season of the sun, breezes and slow going. Salt on the skin after a dip in the sea. That taste of the sea that you don't want to remove, because in the end it is symbolic of a lived life. That of a woman who has a strong desire: she is strong-willed. She often she does not know, she is not aware of her being able to be instinct and mind at the same time. Strong-willed dispels the myth that a female can only reason with the right side of the brain: she is unique.